Annie Contractor

Annie Contractor

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumnna
GRID Minor, 2015
Master's in Urban and Regional Planning, 2015

Current Position

Special Projects Manager for Wyoming-based nonprofit, “Climb Wyoming”

What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research?

Formation of a data collection and reporting strategy to demonstrate how our organization helps women move out of poverty.

How has your GRID minor helped you in your career?

Having the time and space in my graduate program to consider the gendered influences and impacts of social policy has helped me offer an educated perspective on where my nonprofit fits in the landscape of other nonprofits and policies focused on women in poverty. That time and space also helped me translate gender concerns from an international perspective to a domestic setting where they can be harder to identify or discuss. Because gender issues in developing countries are often overt and not controversial to a US audience (meaning most people agree that gender inequity exists and is undesirable), I have found that to be a common ground to begin a conversation that can then move to local issues that run in parallel. GRID helped me with the language and the subject matter to have those conversations as I work for an organization specifically focused on improving the lives of women.

Do you have any advice or suggestions for current GRID Students?

Developing an understanding of the different ways gender has been approached in development (i.e., GAD, WID, etc.) is a necessary part of developing your own position on what is the right way to work toward gender equity and becoming an expert that people can trust to have a deep understanding. GRID students should also remember the great need and applicability of their skills as gender and development experts in a US context.

How can we learn more about your work through social media?

www.climbwyoming or search for Climb Wyoming on Facebook or Twitter